Accepting input

Many services require user input. Input comes in the form of route parameters, query parameters, and HTTP request bodies. It's critical to enforce validation on user input, but don't worry: Boltzmann has your back!

This document covers Boltzmann's affordances for accessing user input, validating input, and sanitizing input. By the end of the document you will know how to write custom body parsing functions.

# Accessing User Input

User input comes in three forms:

  1. Query or "search" parameters. These are provided as part of the incoming URL, after the ?. Generally query parameters are used to send safe-to-repeat requests, like page limits, object counts, or search facets. On the otherh hand, query parameters are not suitable for sending input to be used in object creation or operations that otherwise may have side-effects. Query parameters are available via context.query.
  2. URL parameters. These are also provided as part of the URL, before the ?. These match up with :named segments in the handler's route. URL parameters are generally used to select a particular resource. For example, your application might have a /users/:name handler which would match /users/sam; in this case the URL parameter name would have the value "sam". URL parameters are available via context.params.
  3. Body parameters. Body parameters are created by interpreting the incoming HTTP request body.

# Validating User Input

Boltzmann provides three validator middleware that rely on the ajv schema validator for you to enforce a schema for your route parameters, query params, and body. The functions are:

Here's an example of a route parameter that must be a uuid:

const { middleware } = require('./boltzmann.js')

identityDetail.route = 'GET /identities/identity/:id'
identityDetail.middleware = [
  [middleware.validate.params, {
    type: 'object',
    required: ['id'],
    properties: {
      id: { type: 'string', format: 'uuid' }
async function identityDetail (/** @type {Context} */ context) { }

# Writing Custom Body Parsers

Boltzmann provides and installs body parsers for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json request bodies by default, but other formats can be supported by writing custom body parsers.

type Parser  = (request: http.IncomingMessage) => any;
type Adaptor = (next: Parser) => Parser;